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Creating a Custom Exercise

To create a new exercise, click the + New Exercise button at the top right-hand side of your screen from your Exercises Dashboard.

You can also create a new custom exercise from inside a program as well (for example when you can’t find a specific exercise and want to create your own).

Exercise Details

You can then fill in details about your custom exercise: Description (helpful for cues, tips, and reminders for your clients), as well as categorising the Muscles involved or the Movement type - this helps when you are searching for exercises using the Filter feature. You can also include a Youtube URL so that your custom exercise has a video.

The Metrics field can be used to add a ‘default’ set of metrics that show up automatically whenever you use this exercise in a program. For example if you know you will generally use both Reps and Weight, you can assign both metrics to this exercise to help speed up your programming.


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